The Ringmaster Lite with 5" stainless steel floss head is ideal for standard production output producing between 10-12 lbs per hour. Cretors original floss head design has a Incoloy® Heating element that fits into a mesh screen, creating a delicious fine floss every time. The easy clean-in-place procedure reduces clean up time and repair costs. Other key features include long-lasting Cretors heavy-duty brushes that are composed of 70% carbon, and 30% copper for long life and excellent performance. Stretch-proof compression spring motor supports cannot be stretched out of shape.
The cabinet is made with stainless steel welded construction with two handles that make handling the machine easy. Our floss machine uses standard cotton candy floss or regular granulated sugar.
Our Ringmaster with the 5" floss head plugs into any standard 15-amp outlet.